
Bloomfield Hills Photographer


10 Boudoir Beauties

Grab the chance to be one of 10 people to get a
FREE $295 Boudoir photo Shoot.

Want To Know More?

My Mission.

My mission is to give 10 women, aged between 30 & 70, the opportunity to participate in an empowering and confidence-building studio Boudoir photo shoot. A truly wonderful experience. This is for absolutely anyone.

Worried about your size? Loose skin? Surgery scars? Feeling older? None of that matters, this is about taking you to a new emotional level, it’s about personal strength and confidence building.

Our Agreement.

The agreement is that you can walk into the studio, have a 2-hour professional boudoir photo shoot, and walk out the door without spending a single penny. It can be just for the confidence building experience, if that’s all you want. Want more? Keep reading.

From your session, the studio would like to use at least two of the resulting images. You can of course choose which ones.


The Catch.

There isn’t a catch. Aren’t you tired of finding that the “free” thing wasn’t free after all? I’ll only deal in complete transparency with this offer, and you can judge for yourself if it’s above board.

The Refundable $100.

It’s very inconvenient if someone books a two-hour block of time then at the last minute changes their mind. The preparation time is then wasted.

To prevent this, there is a fully refundable $100 retainer. If you cancel your session AT LEAST 24 hours in advance, you get it back. If you show up for your Boudoir photo shoot, you get it back.

As promised earlier, you can have a professional Boudoir photo shoot and not spend a single penny. Would I like it if you spent that $100 on products?  Absolutely.  This is a working business and I would love you to buy every single image. But, you don’t have to buy anything.

I want you to feel empowered and confident and spread the word about what you experienced, regardless of whether you spend or not. There’s more below.


The Bottom Line.

1. The entire $295 session is 100% waived and wont be charged.

2. You will need to lay out $100 to secure a spot on the schedule.

3. You will get that $100 back in full after your appointment.

4. If you cancel at least 24 hours in advance, you get the $100 back.

5. At least a few days after your session we will look at your photographs.

6. You can choose to buy digital images, prints, or whatever you want, or you can buy nothing at all. It’s your call.

Sound fair?
